David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling ...
Malcolm Gladwell
Tom Clancy & Steve Pieczenik
Tom Clancy's Net Force (6)
Lord Edgware Dies
Agatha Christie
Hercule Poirot (9)
The Goldfinch
Donna Tartt
Acts of War
Tom Clancy & Steve R. Pieczenik
Tom Clancy's Op-Center (4)
魔戒(第一部 魔戒同盟)
[英] J.r.r.托尔金
魔戒 (1)
魔戒(第二部 双塔殊途
魔戒 (2)
魔戒(第三部 王者归来)
魔戒 (3)