Cold Case
Tom Clancy & Steve R. Pieczenik
Tom Clancy's Net Force Explorers (15)
Acid for the Children
Tom Clancy & Jerome Preisler & Martin Harry Greenberg
Tom Clancy's Power Plays (4)
The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently... ...
Richard E. Nisbett
张择 & 艾瑞克·赛诺威 & 梅里尔·麦道 & 谢利·卡根(Shelly Kagan) & 岳晓东 & 凯利·麦格尼格尔 & 亚历克斯·弗格森 & 宫崎市定 & Erika Hayasaki & 金圣荣 & 杜振鹏
The Blind Side
Michael Lewis