The Target
David Baldacci
Will Robie (3)
The Art of Doing Science and Engineering
Richard W. Hamming
亚当·斯密 & 马克思·韦伯
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods ...
John W. Creswell
区块链革命: 比特币底层技术如何改变货币,商业和世界
[加]唐塔普斯科特 & [加]亚力克斯·塔普斯科特
Wild Game: My Mother, Her Lover and Me
Adrienne Brodeur
The Scientist and the Spy: A True Story of China, the FBI, and ...
Mara Hvistendahl
Practice to Deceive
Ann Rule
I'll Be Gone in the Dark
Michelle McNamara
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and ...
Gilbert King